Okt 10

Miloš Radivojević

Intelligent Query Processing in SQL Server: Pros and Cons

Intelligent Query Processing in SQL Server: Pros and Cons von Miloš Radivojević

Vom 9. bis 12. Oktober fanden die „ SQLdays 2023“ in Erding statt.

Video zum Vortrag von Miloš Radivojević mit dem Titel "Intelligent Query Processing in SQL Server: Pros and Cons" anlässlich der SQLdays 2023.

In this session, I will elaborate on the pros and cons of each feature within the Intelligent Query Processing package. I will briefly present cases where a feature can be beneficial for your workload, but you can also see potential issues you can have with it and how to mitigate them, including my experience from the production system on critical and less critical servers (for IQP features in SQL Server 2017 and 2019).
Depending on your workload, the way your team develops SQL projects, or even your knowledge, an IQP feature can significantly improve the performance of one of your applications, but the very same feature can cause performance degradation in another. When the Compatibilty Level for a database is set to 150 or 160, all available IQP features are enabled by default. Therefore, you have to decide whether a particular feature should be enabled or disabled for each database. You might have databases where it is better to disable one or even more IQP features. After this session, you will be better prepared for the challenges associated with this decision.
I'll also discuss IQP features in SQL Server 2022, but this might be more based on my testing experience and expectations.
It would be great if the attendees would actively participate in the discussion and share their own experience, excitement, or concerns.

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